Corner sofa Bonito

Monthly payment from 40,47  / 60 months

1289,00 1599,00 

Left corner
Right corner
Corner sofa Bonito Borneo 38
Corner sofa Bonito Borneo 4
Corner sofa Bonito Flores 4
Corner sofa Bonito Flores 5
Corner sofa Bonito Gojo 45
Corner sofa Bonito Gojo 5
Corner sofa Bonito Leve 18
Corner sofa Bonito Leve 4
Corner sofa Bonito Leve 5
Corner sofa Bonito Loco 10
Corner sofa Bonito Loco 33
Corner sofa Bonito Loco 35
Corner sofa Bonito Loco 40
Corner sofa Bonito Loco 45
Corner sofa Bonito Lukso 35
Corner sofa Bonito Lukso 40
Corner sofa Bonito Nube 3
Corner sofa Bonito Nube 35
Corner sofa Bonito Nube 40
Corner sofa Bonito Nube 45
Corner sofa Bonito Nube 6
Corner sofa Bonito Savoi 40
Corner sofa Bonito Savoi 45
Corner sofa Bonito Savoi 7
Corner sofa Bonito Softis 11
Corner sofa Bonito Sola 18
Corner sofa Bonito Sola 4
Corner sofa Bonito Sola 6
Corner sofa Bonito Velvetmat 10
Corner sofa Bonito Velvetmat 25
Corner sofa Bonito Velvetmat 40
Corner sofa Bonito Vero 10
Corner sofa Bonito Vero 5
SKU: ELTCO-BON-LT-03NU_parent Categories: , , ,

Elegance and comfort closed in one piece of furniture, that’s what Bonito is. Convenience and comfort have been achieved through the use of two upholstery foams – T2540 foam and extremely comfortable high elastic HR foam. The U-shaped Bonito corner sofa has two ottomans, which will provide rest even for a large family. The DL type sleeping function, with a mechanism for easy unfolding, when unfolded turns into a comfortable, large bed for sleeping with dimensions of 300cmx120cm. Additional pillows can be stowed in the large storage compartment. Bonito is a piece of furniture designed for larger living rooms, its dimensions are 340x170x92cm. For Bonito corner sofa we dedicated specially selected fabrics, which perfectly match the furniture.

Additional information
Weight 150 kg
Dimensions 175 × 350 × 92 cm
Sleep Function




Direction of the sofa corner

Left corner


Right corner

Upholstery fabric

Borneo 38


Borneo 4


Flores 4


Flores 5


Gojo 45


Gojo 5


Leve 18


Leve 4


Leve 5


Loco 10


Loco 33


Loco 35


Loco 40


Loco 45


Lukso 35


Lukso 40


Nube 3


Nube 35


Nube 40


Nube 45


Nube 6


Savoi 40


Savoi 45


Savoi 7


Softis 11


Sola 18


Sola 4


Sola 6


Velvetmat 10


Velvetmat 25


Velvetmat 40


Vero 10


Vero 5