Escada on lihtsa vormiga, kuid elegantne ja väga stiilne nurgadiivan, mõõtudega 330 x 190 x 98 cm, mis on hoitud eksklusiivses stiilis. Meie nurgadiivan on multifunktsionaalne mööbliese, kuna lisaks avaramale päevasofale lõõgastumiseks, toimib see öösiti ka taastumise ja puhkamise kohana. Tänu delfiini-tüüpi mehhanismile muudame päevasoafa kiirelt ja lihtsalt mugavaks voodiks mõõtmetega 110 x 250 cm. Päevasoafa vormi naasmist hõlbustab mahukas voodipesukast, mis asub tumbas. Erakordse mugavuse ja meeldivuse tagavad 45 cm kõrgusel asuv iste, mis on valmistatud ainulaadsetest vahtudest – T30 ja HR. Need suurendavad diivani elastsust ja vastupidavust, ning takistavad ebameeldivate lohkude teket selle struktuuris. Kui valite Escada elutoa nurgadiivaniks, tasub märkida veel reguleeritavad peatoed ja elegantseid metalljalgu. Escada on nurgadiivan, mis paistab kindlasti silma igas ruumis, kus see asub.
Nurgadiivan Escada
Kuumakse al. 46,62 € / 60 kuud
1425,00 € – 1725,00 €
Kategooriad: Diivanid, Mööbel, Nurgadiivanid, Pehme mööbel
Täiendav informatsioon
Kaal | 228 kg |
Mõõtmed | 200 × 336 × 92 cm |
Magamisfunktsioon |
Jah |
Pesukast |
Jah |
Diivani nurga suund |
Parem nurk ,Vasak nurk |
Kattekangas |
Dora 21 ,Dora 28 ,Dora 96 ,Grande 75 ,Grande 81 ,Inari 96 ,Kronos 19 ,Mat Velvet 68 ,Mat Velvet 75 ,Mat Velvet 99 ,Monolith 29 ,Monolith 37 ,Monolith 63 ,Monolith 77 ,Monolith 84 ,Monolith 97 ,Omega 68 ,Palacio 06 ,Palacio 61 ,Palacio 65 ,Palacio 90 ,Paros 02 ,Paros 05 ,Paros 06 ,Sawana 14 ,Sawana 21 ,Sawana 26 ,Soft 17 |
Sarnased tooted
Nurgadiivan Grayson
Leve 6
Loco 10
Loco 24
Loco 25
Loco 33
Loco 35
Loco 4
Loco 40
Loco 45
Loco 5
Lukso 40
Monolith 76
Monolith 79
Nube 20
Nube 22
Nube 24
Nube 3
Nube 33
Nube 35
Nube 4
Nube 40
Nube 45
Nube 5
Nube 6
Riviera 97
Sola 18
Sola 4
Velvetmat 10
Velvetmat 100
Velvetmat 22
Velvetmat 24
Velvetmat 25
Velvetmat 38
Velvetmat 4
Velvetmat 40
Velvetmat 6
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Nurgadiivan Gomsi
Manhattan 03
Manhattan 06
Manhattan 18
Manhattan 38
Manhattan 40
Manhattan 45
Raquel 03
Raquel 04
Raquel 05
Raquel 18
Raquel 24
Raquel 40
Royal 01
Royal 04
Royal 18
Touch 03
Touch 05
Touch 100
Touch 18
Touch 24
Touch 40
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Lamamistool Taco
Flores 10
Flores 22
Flores 4
Inari 22
Loco 45
Lukso 40
Nube 20
Nube 24
Nube 3
Nube 35
Nube 45
Nube 6
Savoi 38
Sola 18
Velvetmat 38
Vero 4
Vero 5
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Diivan Asgard
Kronos 13
Kronos 19, Jungle 32
Mat Velvet 68
Mat Velvet 75
Monolith 09, Monolith 29
Monolith 29, Monolith 09
Monolith 37
Monolith 77, Botanical 80
Monolith 84, Monolith 77
Monolith 84, Monolith 97
Omega 68, Zigzag 53
Ontario 96, Jungle 32
Paros 02, Zigzag 53
Sawana 05
Sawana 14
Sawana 21, Zigzag 53
Soft 33
Solid 09
Soro 61
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Tugitool Asgard 1F
Kronos 13
Kronos 19
Mat Velvet 68
Mat Velvet 75
Monolith 09
Monolith 29
Monolith 77
Monolith 84
Omega 68
Ontario 96
Paros 02
Sawana 14
Sawana 21
Soft 33
Solid 09
Soro 61
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Pehme mööbli komplekt Asgard 3+1
Cover 87
Kronos 13
Kronos 19, Jungle 32
Mat Velvet 68
Mat Velvet 75
Monolith 77, Botanical 80
Omega 68, Zigzag 53
Ontario 96, Jungle 32
Paros 02, Zigzag 53
Sawana 21, Zigzag 53
Soft 33
Soro 61
Laost otsas
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Laost otsas
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Nurgadiivan Anton
Berlin 01, Soft 11
Berlin 03, Soft 33
Berlin 03, Soft 66
Cover 02
Cover 70
Inari 96, Soft 29
Jarell 04
Jarell 18
Jasmine 29, Soft 33
Kronos 09
Kronos 09, Soft 17
Kronos 19
Monolith 09, Monolith 29
Monolith 29, Monolith 09
Monolith 37, Monolith 84
Monolith 63
Monolith 77, Monolith 84
Monolith 84, Monolith 97
Monolith 84, Soft 11
Monolith 97, Monolith 84
Omega 68
Omega 68, Soft 11
Omega 91, Soft 11
Ontario 83, Soft 17
Ontario 83, Soft 29
Paros 02
Paros 05
Paros 05, Soft 17
Sawana 05, Soft 17
Sawana 14
Sawana 14, Soft 11
Sawana 14, Soft 17
Sawana 21
Sawana 21, Soft 11
Sawana 21, Soft 17
Soft 29
Soro 61